Configuring a Customer View

A Customer view is a view that gives customers access to the products they are using.

The initial configuration of your DPS already contains a Customer View you can use as a starting point.

The default customer view is composed by the following pages:


This is the home page of a customer user that access the DPS, it is designed to provide a glance of the overall status of their machines.

The overview page includes:

  • the Active Alert List widget displaying the presence of active alerts visible by the customer, including these details:

    • machine ID

    • location

    • alert title and short description

    • duration (the time the alert is active).

    By clicking on a row, the user can access the alert details page, which provides all the information about the event that generated the alert.

  • the Thing List widget of machines belonging to the customer, including these details:

    • machine ID

    • location

    • connection status (offline/online)

    • operating status (standby, working, error)

    • presence of active failures

    • other relevant machine insights.

    By clicking on a row, the user can access the customer product/machine details page.


This page helps customers to take under control pending actions (periodic calibration, cleaning procedures, consumable check and replace).
It includes the Action List widget displaying all the pending actions the customer should perform, including these details:

  • machine ID

  • location

  • action name

  • due date

  • priority

By clicking on the action, the user can access the action details page, providing all the information about the tasks to perform.
In the sidebar menu, aside the page it is possible to display a badge with the count of pending actions.

In case the default customer view is not enough you can create a new one by following these steps:

  1. Enter the Interfaces / Views page.

  2. Select the General tab.

  3. Click the Add View button.

  4. Select the Customer type.

  5. The view is created, and now you can configure it.

  6. Select the Customer User Types that will access the view.

  7. Add the pages that your customer users (e.g. Operation Managers, Operator) will use during their activities.
    You can copy them from the default customer view and add new ones.

Other than configuring the General Customer Views, you have also to create the customer view for your thing definitions.

We suggest you to define the common view structure in the top level thing definition, and into each specific thing definition just override the templates.

  1. Enter the Interfaces / Views page.

  2. Select the Thing Definition tab.

  3. Select the top level thing definition (e.g. Base).

  4. Click the Add View button.

  5. Select the Customer type.

  6. The view is created, and now you can configure it.

  7. Select the Customer User Types that will access the view.

  8. Add the tabs (sub-pages) that your customer users (e.g. Operation Managers) will use during their activities.
    For instance: Overview, Status.


This is the main tab when entering the thing definition details page, and which provides a glance of all the main machine information and relevant data.
The Thing Details widget can be used to display the machine main information, such as:

  • Nickname: the name assigned by the end-user to the thing.

  • Serial Number: the serial number uniquely identifying the machine, it can be helpful when dealing with the support and technicians.

  • Product Model: the name of the product model.

  • Connection Status: the current connection status (OFFLINE, ONLINE).

  • Operating Status: the current operating status (STANDBY, WORKING).

By placing the Value widget multiple times you can display the current value of the metrics that are more relevant to customer users (e.g. Operation Managers).
This widget is automatically highlighted according to metric thresholds, so that when the user enters the page, he can see immediately whether there is something to take care of.

In addition to be more effective, we suggest you also to include the list of active alerts and actions related to the machine and visibile by the user.


This tab allows the customer user to inspect the status of the machine over time.

By using the Status Diagram widget, the customer user can see all states in which the machine has been in time, and for each of them the spent time and percentage.