This widget prints out the paginated list of things visible by the user and for the current context.
Items can be searched and sorted depending on the properties.
Metrics are computed for the current page only, so it is not possible to sort nor search by their values.
By enabling the "Bulk Controls", the widget allows selecting multiple thing and perform bulk operations, including:
Manage Tags: select/deselect and edit tags.
Execute Command: for each identified thing-definition, select a command with bulk support to execute.
Update Firmware: select a firmware and apply it to the selected thing.
When placed in a Location details template, and the Actions Enabled flag is selected the widget allows, according to user permissions, to create new things in that location.
Template Syntax
Below you can find some examples of how to use the component within a template.
Example 1
Thing list displaying simple properties.
<thing-list-widget-v2 [title]="'Things'">
<property name="serialNumber"></property>
<property name="properties.activationDate" filter="millisToDate"></property>
<property name="serviceLevel" filter="serviceLevel"></property>
<property name="properties.status" filter="statusBadge"></property>
Example 2
List of things with complex properties and initial sorting.
<thing-list-widget-v2 [pageSize]="10"
<property [name]="'serialNumber'"></property>
<property [name]="'properties.activationDate'"></property>
<composite-part [label]="'Composite Column'" [filter]="'compositeValueFilter'" [sortingCriteria]="'properties.v1,DESC|properties.v2,DESC'" >
<property [name]="'properties.v1'"></property>
<property [name]="'properties.v2'"></property>
Component Reference
Here is a comprehensive list of all the elements and properties that can be used to configure the component.
Thing List <thing-list-widget-v2>
Advanced | |
Expandable Composite Things | Enable expandable accordion for sub things. Name: expandableCompositeThings Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: false
Id | The id of the widget. Name: id Type: STRING | Optional
Search Fields | The array of fields used to filter out the objects when searching by a generic key. For instance: [searchFields]='['name', 'serialNumber', '', 'customer.code']' Name: searchFields Type: PROPERTY (multiple) | Optional
Show Root Things Only | Forces loading of root things only. Name: showRootThings Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: false
Actions Enabled | The boolean flag indicating whether actions (e.g. Add button) are enabled on the widget. Name: enableActions Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: true
Advanced Search Always Open | If selected the advanced search is always open when entering the page, an cannot be closed. Name: advancedSearchAlwaysOpen Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: false
Block Column Span | The number of columns on which to span the properties displayed in each list block (default 1). Name: blockColumns Type: INTEGER | Optional Default Value: 1
Bulk Controls Enabled | The boolean flag indicating whether bulk selection and buttons (e.g. Tagging, Firmware Update) are enabled on the widget. Name: bulkControlsEnabled Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: false
Controls Enabled | The boolean flag indicating whether controls (e.g. Search, Export) are enabled on the widget. Name: controlsEnabled Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: true
Empty Message | The blank message to be displayed in the widget in case no item was found. To manage translations, you can define a label and use the key as the value of the property. Name: emptyMessage Type: STRING | Optional
Title | The title displayed on the top part of the widget box. Name: title Type: STRING | Optional
Data | |
Include Assigned | The boolean flag (true, false) indicating whether the list must include also ASSIGNED things. Name: includeAssigned Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: true
Include Unassigned | The boolean flag indicating whether the list must include also UNASSIGNED things. Name: includeUnassigned Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: false
Initial Sorting | The array of property names and criteria to use for sorting (e.g. ['name','asc','serialNumber','desc']). Name: sort Type: SORT_PROPERTIES | Optional
Page Size | The number of items to load on each page. Name: pageSize Type: INTEGER | Optional Default Value: 50
Query | The array of conditions filtering out items. For instance: [query]='[{'property': 'connectionStatus', 'predicate': 'eq', 'value': '1'}]' Predicates: eq, beginsWith, like, notLike, isEmpty, isNotEmpty, gt, gte, lt, lte. Name: query Type: QUERY | Optional Predicates: beginsWith, eq, neq, gt, gte, isEmpty, isNotEmpty, lt, lte, like, notLike
Query Variable | The id of the page's <things-filter-field> used for searching. Name: queryFieldRef Type: STRING | Optional
Rendering | |
CSS Class | The name(s) of the CSS class used to customize the widget layout. Name: class Type: STRING | Optional
Sub Elements | |
The metric whose label and current value must be rendered as a widget row. | |
The property whose label and current value must be rendered as a widget row. | |
The widget part combining multiple properties and metrics. |
Metric <metric>
Filter | The name of the filter used to transform and display values. Name: filter Type: FILTER | Optional
Label | The metric alternative label. Name: label Type: STRING | Optional
Name | The metric whose value(s) must be loaded by the widget. Name: name Type: METRIC | Required
Unit | The unit of measurement to be displayed along the value. Name: unit Type: STRING | Optional
Advanced | |
Column CSS Class | The name(s) of the column CSS class used to customize the table column. Name: columnClass Type: COLUMN_CSS | Optional
Display Mode | The way the column is displayed. Name: displayMode Type: ENUM | Optional Values: VISIBLE, INITIALLY_HIDDEN, ALWAYS_HIDDEN Default Value: VISIBLE
Show Header | The flag indicated whether the header is visible. Name: showHeader Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: true
Visibility Condition | The expression that allows you to reduce the visibility of the element. Name: *ngIf Type: STRING | Optional
Property <property>
Description | The property description. Name: description Type: STRING | Optional
Filter | The name of the filter used to transform and display values. Name: filter Type: FILTER | Optional
Label | The property alternative label. Name: label Type: STRING | Optional
Name | The property whose value must be loaded by the widget. Name: name Type: PROPERTY | Required
Advanced | |
Column CSS Class | The name(s) of the column CSS class used to customize the table column. Name: columnClass Type: COLUMN_CSS | Optional
Display Mode | The way the column is displayed. Name: displayMode Type: ENUM | Optional Values: VISIBLE, INITIALLY_HIDDEN, ALWAYS_HIDDEN Default Value: VISIBLE
Include in Export | The boolean flag indicating whether the property value should be included in the export even when not visible within the page. Name: includeInExport Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: false
Show Header | The flag indicated whether the header is visible. Name: showHeader Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: true
Visibility Condition | The expression that allows you to reduce the visibility of the element. Name: *ngIf Type: STRING | Optional
Composite Part <composite-part>
Description | The composite-part description. Name: description Type: STRING | Optional
Filter | The filter applied on the composite-part to transform or display its value. Name: filter Type: FILTER | Optional
Label | The label displayed by the widget. Name: label Type: STRING | Optional
Name | The composite-part name. Name: name Type: STRING | Optional
Sorting Criteria | The comma seprated list of property names and criteria to use for sorting the list column associated to this composite-part (e.g. properties.p1,ASC,properties.p2,DESC). Name: sortingCriteria Type: STRING | Optional
Advanced | |
Column CSS Class | The name(s) of the column CSS class used to customize the table column. Name: columnClass Type: COLUMN_CSS | Optional
Display Mode | The way the column is displayed. Name: displayMode Type: ENUM | Optional Values: VISIBLE, INITIALLY_HIDDEN, ALWAYS_HIDDEN Default Value: VISIBLE
Show Header | The flag indicated whether the header is visible. Name: showHeader Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: true
Visibility Condition | The expression that allows you to reduce the visibility of the element. Name: *ngIf Type: STRING | Optional
Sub Elements | |
The metric whose value must be loaded within the composite-part. | |
The property whose value must be loaded within the composite-part. |
Metric <metric>
Name | The metric whose value(s) must be loaded by the widget. Name: name Type: METRIC | Required
Property <property>
Name | The property whose value must be loaded by the widget. Name: name Type: PROPERTY | Required