Security Framework

This article describes the security framework and mechanism put in place, covering various aspects including data transmission, API integration and user interface.

This diagram describes the main components that make up the DPS, their interconnections and their security.

Micro-services Isolation

All the micro-services are replicated and segregated among several virtual machines and isolated from the Internet through a VPN.
High availability is ensured by replicating and distributing services that scale up according to the number of connected products and clients (Web, API, Mobile).
Communications between micro-services are limited and allowed only within the segregated and encrypted network.
Critical services (blue services) are not directly reachable by the API Gateway and thus from the Internet, only the primary services (green services) have a counterpart interface exposed by the API Gateway.
All the public endpoints are hardened by a WAF (Web Application Firewall) with all the modern and up-to-date mechanisms to prevent hacking, any form of denial of service, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks.

Web Clients Connection

All communications between the DPS frontend and the API Gateway are allowed only through the secure HTTPS protocol.
The only opened port is 443, all other ports are not available and unsecured HTTP usage is not allowed.
The requests made on the 80 port are automatically forwarded to the 443 secure port.
Previous and deprecated versions of SSL (SSL*, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.2) have been disabled and not allowed, TLS 1.2 is deprecated and will be removed soon.
All API calls must be made by sending a JWT token obtained during the login initial request.
The JWT token has a predefined duration of 1 hour, after such a period the client has to refresh the token to keep using the API.

Third-party Clients Connection

A third-party client connection extends the Web Client Connection by adding the need of an API Key (32 alpha-numeric characters) which is used to limit the requests rate and permissions. The Servitly backend will check the correctness of such an API key matching some specific properties, like the application identifier or package name in case of Mobile applications.
API keys can be created globally in the Console, or directly in the DPS by end-users.
In addition to user credentials (email and password), authentication can occur by issuing a PAT (Personal Access Token) that is managed by end-users.

For more details about API endpoints refer to the How to deal with REST APIs article.

Mobile Clients Connection

Sames as for Third-party Clients Connection, but with a mobile app restriction on the used API Key.

Products Connection

The communication between the connected products and the IoT Connector is made by using one of MQTT, HTTP or CoAP protocols over a channel encrypted with TLS 1.2 (deprecated) or TLS 1.3.
Previous and deprecated versions of SSL (SSL*, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1) have been disabled and not allowed.

Encryption of the payloads exhanged through one of the built-in connectors is not support.
In case the channel encryption is not enought, Servitly supports third-party IoT Connectors integration.


The channel to the built-in connectors requires a TLS communication.
Authentication is made through username and password that can be defined globally, or on each customer, location or single thing.
Authentication based on certificates in coming by 2025.

Once the MQTT channel has been opened, the client can publish and subscribe only on topics prefixed with <USERNAME>/<ASSET_ID>, where the <USERNAME> is the same used to open the connection, and the <ASSET_ID> is the one specified within the mapping of the product registered in the DPS, in this way a product can write or read-only its data, and there is no way to write/subscribe to data of other products or customers.

For more details about MQTT connector endpoints refer to the Publish data through MQTT article.


To publish data through the HTTP protocol, the product must make HTTPS POST requests (port 443) to a specific endpoint and payload. The authentication is verified by using the BASIC HTTP authentication, so the product must send an header with the connection credentials.

For more details about HTTP connector endpoints refer to the HTTP Connector article.


The CoAP server is reachable at this domain through one of the following ports:

  • 5684: the channel is encrypted with TLS 1.2, the product must issue to the server a valid certificate and Servitly will identify the Thing by inspecting the caller identity (client authentication).

  • 5683: on each request, the product must issue to the server a valid device identifier, and Servitly will verify its validity. This port is designed for NB-IoT devices with low capability (e.g. limited hardware, battery-powered, and limited data traffic).
    Only devices that connect through the Vodafone GSM network can communicate with this port.

Third-party IoT Platform Integration

When product data is transferred to Servitly via an external IoT platform, the communication between the IoT Connector and the external platform is permanently established via an encrypted and authenticated (cloud-to-cloud) channel, which depends on the third-party provider.

User Accounts

The user authentication is made by issuing the personal email address and password provided during the registration phase, optionally, users may configure the Two-Factor Authentication based on one-time tokens.

No user sessions are handled or persisted by the backend.

During the login phase, the page and the underlying API will not return the error code indicating whether the email is invalid or the password is invalid.

Each user account registered in the DPS is associated with a set of permissions to grant access to the API.

The login page is protected with a Google reCAPTCHA V3, and after 5 failed logins, the backend will ask the user to complete a challenge (Google reCAPTCHA v2). In case of 10 failed login, the account can be disabled for 30 minutes (optional).

User accounts inactive for a few months can be deactivated automatically after being notified several times; the period is configurable (default 1 month).

Account administrators can decide to delete the account, including all client data, device data, and user data.

Optionally, if the plugin is configured, users can log in by using an identity provider based on OpenID (e.g. Google, Microsoft, Ping One).


All the passwords configured by the users are stored with a one-direction encryption algorithm (BCrypt), which grants that no one except the client is knowing the clear password.

To avoid simple passwords, all the passwords are validated during the initial entry with these constraints:

  • Minimum password length of 8 characters.

  • Mandatory presence of at least one lower and one upper character.

  • Mandatory presence of at least one number.

  • Mandatory presence of at least one special character (e.g. #?!).

  • Forbidden usage of public information (e.g. application name, year number, user name).

  • Forbidden usage of dictionary words (e.g. password).

Optionally, the duration of users' passwords can be limited, otherwise, by default, there is no expiration.

Data Privacy

Refer to the GDPR Compliance article for more details about privacy management and controls available in the DPS.

Data Isolation

All the DPS data including customer data, user data, metric data, alerts, products, and accounts are stored within a segregated database that is not externally reachable. To improve security and privacy, metric values are anonymized and stored separately from the product information data or user account data.

Servitly is a multi-tenant solution, which means that different tenants may share the same infrastructure including databases, but in any case, a user belonging to a tenant cannon access the data of another tenant. When a client obtains a JWT token, this is bound to a specific account, and for no reason, it can access the data of another account or tenant. The isolation mechanism is applied from the tenant, and it descends through organizations, partners, customers, and locations also according to the account authorizations and permissions. For each request, the API Gateway verifies the account context in order to check whether the request can be performed, and add additional conditions to limit the final query on the database.

Cloud Instances

Micro-services, front-end resources, and databases are installed on the following data centers and availability zones.




Availability Zones

Amazon EC2



eu-west-1a, eu-west-1b, eu-west-1c

Amazon EC2


Hong Kong


Microsoft Azure



Germany West Central (az-1)

Thanks to the cloud provider and the distributed architecture, Servitly has high reliability with an uptime of up to 99.9% (less than 1 hour/month).

For more details about system status, refer to the page, which is based on the third-party service Uptime.

SSL Certificates

All the incoming communications are encrypted with a public CA.

For more details about SSL certificate management and renewal policy, refer to the SSL Certificates article.

Virtual Machine Hardening

Each micro-service before its deployment has passed a hardening procedure in order to:

  • remove/disable all unnecessary system services/daemons and insecure tools;

  • close all unnecessary ports;

  • change/disable/remove all default credentials;

  • configure ACL;

  • configure the firewall and iptables;

  • configure security rules from the cloud provider management interface.

Security Assessment

A periodical security assessment is conducted on the Servitly platform, services, and source code to discover possible security issues and test if all the security requirements are verified time by time.

All the software, libraries, and operating systems composing Servitly are periodically updated with the last available stable versions and security patches, to grant maximum coverage against malicious use (CVE) of the services or unauthorized access.

Each service, feature, and software composing Servitly is developed or configured by taking into account all the security principles and recommendations of each vendor.

Servitly has been developed considering the OWASP principles and best practices, whose updates are verified time by time and integrated.

Periodically, VA/PT tests are performed by an independent, certified company, and all discovered vulnerabilities are resolved according to their severity.