January 31, 2025

Components Manager

It probably happened to you that you were not able to display the information exactly as you want by using the built-in components.
That is why we provide you with the Components Manager, a new tool by which you can create your own custom components, manage their versions and availability in the DPS environments.

With this new tool you can achieve these key benefits:

  • Added value for your users: you can design the interface of your DPS system so that it accurately represents your product, the operations or processes it supports, your data and information, ensuring it aligns closely with expectations of your user Personas. This strengthens your brand and your relationship with customers.

  • DPS differentiation: you can make your DPS truly unique and different from the solutions offered by your competitors.

  • Capitalization of development and reuse: if you are a partner you can build a repository of components that you can reuse in different projects, saving you a lot of time and allowing you to capitalize the development investment.

Action listening on event clearing

In some cases, actions suggested by the DPS system may be no longer necessary, as the event that generated them was cleared.
To help technicians or customer users focus only on the actions that are important and avoid unnecessary work, you can now configure an action to be automatically mark as DONE according to its source event status.

List widgets filtered by page period picker

When dealing with complex pages, there is usually a period picker used by the entire page, so that all widgets work on the same time interval.
To improve the DPS experience, all the list widgets, displaying objects distributed in time (e.g. events, work session, alerts), can now be bound to a period picker.
In this way, when the period changes globally on the page, the list widgets are also updated by showing only the objects related to the selected period and in a coherent manner with the other page widgets (e.g. statistics into Bar Charts or Value widgets).

Affected widgets are:

Bug fixes (Console)

  • The name of an insight metric was not modifiable once created.

  • The mapping name and path into a RAW Data metric were not mandatory, allowing the user to create non-working metrics.

Bug fixes (DPS)

  • The thing property defaultName with placeholder was not updated after a manual edit of the thing.

  • Due to a CORS restriction, from the development environment it was not possible to download completed data-export.

  • The API to retrieve text translations considered the language code parameter to be case-sensitive.