What is a Smart Service?

The origin of this term dates back to 2015, in Germany. At that time, the so-called Smart Service World working group worked on a report that advocated the development of smart services as a key factor in the competitiveness of German and European machinery manufacturers.

This is well described in the wikipedia (only in German as of today): https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_Service

Here are some short excerpts:

ā€œThe term Smart Service describes the most developed level of data-driven digital service offerings. They are provided by service providers for customers who use so-called smart products (i.e. technical objects equipped with sensors capable of recording and transmitting data because they are controlled by software and connected to a network, for example the Internet).ā€

ā€œThey represent a way to prepare and analyze data for a specific purpose.ā€

Smart Services as a subset of Data-based Services

ā€œOften there is not enough distinction between data-based services and smart services - and the two terms cannot be used interchangeably. Although every smart service is fundamentally a data-based service, not every data-based service is automatically a smart service.ā€

In this excerpt the article underlines an important characteristic of a Smart Service. In order for a service to be ā€œsmartā€ it is not enough to have some raw data available. Raw data must be processed, aggregated, transformed in order to extract useful information, which leads to actions, to pursue a specific purpose.

Connected Services vs Smart Services

For the purpose of this Academy we can consider Connected Services equivalent to Data-driven Services. Thus Smart Services are a subset of Connected Services.

Servitly DPS supports the delivery of both smart and non-smart services. In order to deliver smart services the key components used are the data processing functions like Algorithms, Insight metrics, Event detection and involvement functions like Actions.