User Profile

In the DPS in the user menu that opens at the top right of the page, users can access their profile and manage their personal settings.

The Profile page is structured into the following sections.


The General tab permits editing the user's personal information, localization preferences, and optionally perform a logout or delete the profile.

Within the Preferences section the user can change the preferred language used to translate labels, and according to it, also the format to be applied on date, time and numbers.

If needed, the timezone used to format date and time can be redefined.


The Security tab permits to manage the account security, including password reset and 2FA (Two-factor Authentication) configuration.

By pressing the Reset Password button, an email with the reset link is sent to the user.
For more details about the Two-factor Authentication, refer to the Two-factor Authentication article.
Into this tab you can have an overview of all devices you used to access the DPS application, and optionally, you can logout from them.


The Notifications tab permits configuring how the user must be notified in case of an alert is activated.

In addition to defining which event one wants to be notified for, the user can turn notification channels on or off.

To use the SMS notifications (if the SMS channel is enabled on the tenant) the user must specify a mobile phone number. Note that, SMS is a pay-per-use notification channel.

When a new user is created, the email channel is selected by default for the WARNING and CRITICAL alerts. If available, also the Push notification channel is enabled by default.


The Reports tab permits the DPS user to configure whether to receive periodic reports.

This tab is available only if there are some reports defined and visible to the logged-in user.