
You can define Maintenance events, to keep track of maintenance performed on a product by technical users.

A maintenance event can be of various types (e.g. Repair, Replacement, Cleaning, Periodic Inspection).

Furthermore, each type of maintenance event can be enriched with properties to better describe what is done during the maintenance session (e.g. to-do, checklists, status report).

Creating a Maintenance Event Definition

To add a new Maintenance Event, you should:

  1. Enter the Events / Maintenance page.

  2. Select the Location or Thing Definitions tab, depending on where you want to create the event.

  3. In case of Thing Definition, select the Thing Definition to edit.

  4. Press the Add Event button.

  5. Provide the required information.

  6. Press the Save button.

Editing a Maintenance Event

A Maintenance event is described by the following sections:


The main section describing the event through these properties:

  • Name: specifies the name of the event, it is a free value (e.g. UNPLANNED_MNT).

  • Title: the event shown title within the event list (e.g. Unplanned Maintenance).

  • Description: the text describing the maintenance (e.g. Maintenance for fault repair).

  • Severity: fixed to INFORMATIONAL.

  • Category: fixed to INFORMATION.

  • Topic: fixed to MAINTENANCE.

Within the event Title, and Description it is possible to use placeholders to include information about the thing, the event, and measures.


  • Details Template: the template used to display the event details in a dedicated dashboard, for instance when a row is clicked in the Event List widget.

Active and Clear Conditions

This section allows defining when the event must be activated or cleared.

For more details about how to define conditions refer to the Event Trigger Conditions article.

In case the event is not User Reported:

  • If the clear condition is not specified, the negated active condition is used.

  • To activate a new event, the activation timestamp of the clear condition must be prior to the activation timestamp of the active condition, and there are no events of the same type still active.

  • An event is periodically evaluated and is triggered only when the active condition changes from false to true and remains true for at least one evaluation interval (e.g. 60 seconds). This means that in case of metric-based conditions, metric values with a duration of less than one evaluation interval (e.g. 60 seconds) may not be detected in order to correctly trigger the event.

Maintenance Properties

In this section, which is available only for User Reported conditions, you can define properties that the DPS user can fill with additional information when registering the event.

Se the section below for more details about how to define properties for a maintenance event.

Technical Description

Here you can describe more technically the maintenance event purpose through a text/HTML which will be visible to technicians in the DSP.

Maintenance Properties Definition

To enrich maintenance events with additional information like checklists, you can define Properties.

By clicking the Add Property button, a new property is created and associated to the maintenance event you are editing.

A Maintenance Property is defined by:


  • Name: the name of the property used to store the value within the maintenance event (e.g. filter_cleaning_varified).

  • Label: the text displayed to the user within the page when editing the maintenance event (e.g. Filter Cleaning Verified).

  • Description: the description of the property displayed aside the label (e.g. Verifies that all filters are....).

  • Type: the type of the property, which determines also how the property is edited and saved.
    For a complete list of types, refer to the Property Types article.

  • Default value: the property default value assigned to a newly created event.

  • Group: the key used to group properties within editing dialogs.


  • Order: the order used to sort properties within editing dialogs.

  • Selection: the selection mode (radio, select, switch) for multiple values.

  • Values: the set of value and label pairs in case of selection.


  • Mandatory: the property cannot be left blank. When creating a new object or updating an existing object, if the value of the property is missing, the backend reports an error.

  • Limit write permissions depending on the user-type: you can limit the user-types can write the property value. If a user which is not authorized to the property, try to write it, the backend reports an error. Properties that are not writable by a user type are also not visible on the edit page of that object in the DPS application.

  • Min: the minimum value used for numeric properties' validation.

  • Max: the maximum value used for numeric properties' validation.

Registering Maintenance Events in the DPS

In the DPS, through the Maintenance Registry widget, users (e.g. technicians) can register maintenance events for a specific product or location.
Within the widget, by adding a new maintenance event, the user can select the type of event and fill in the properties associated with the event.