This widget allows performing benchmark analysis by comparing a product or an entire customer to others with similar characteristics and discover correlations.
This widget is valuable for:
Sales Manager | Saves the time needed to compare consumption and product use. |
R&D | Saves the time needed to analyze and discover correlations between products. |
End User | Be aware of the performance of a product by comparing consumption and productivity with similar products. |
This widget is context aware, this means that it compare the current context object (e.g. Thing) with others having similar characteristics.
To be configured, this widget requires specifying:
The context object you want to compare, one of THING, LOCATION, CUSTOMER, PARTNER.
The comparison property used to define the groups of object along the X axis.
One or more properties used to retrieve objects which are similar to the context one.
For instance, in case you want to compare the Productivity of your Machine in respect to others, you need to place this width in the machine dashboard, select THING as Search Target, and select thingDefinitionId in the Cluster Properties.
Template Syntax
Below you can find some examples of how to use the component within a template.
<benchmark-widget target="THINGS"
[clusterProperties]="['thingDefinitionId', '']"
[query]="[{property:'properties.size', predicate:'eq', value:'100'}]">
Component Reference
Here is a comprehensive list of all the elements and properties that can be used to configure the component.
Benchmark <benchmark-widget> | |
Cluster Properties | Object properties used to filter target objects that are similar to those in the context. |
CSS Class | The name(s) of the CSS class used to customize the widget layout. |
Filter | The filter used to transform the property value before the visualization. |
Max Bar Number | The maximum number of bars to group objects in clusters. |
Max Value | The X axis maximum value. |
Min Value | The X axis minimum value. |
Query | The array of conditions filtering out items. |
Query Variable | The id of the page's <things-filter-field> used for searching. |
Search Target | The target objects to be used as comparison clusters. THING LOCATION CUSTOMER PARTNER
Title | The title displayed on the top part of the widget box. |
Unit | The unit of measurement to be displayed along the value. |
Value Label | The label displayed on the chart tooltip for the property value. |
Value Property | The object property used to assign each object to a cluster. |
Visibility Condition | The expression that allows you to reduce the visibility of the element. |