Displays metric or statistic data through columns in a bar chart.
This chart uses a category based X-axis, so you must use this widget to load aggregated data, for instance the count of machines grouped by model name.
Pareto Line
When displaying event statistics, e.g. the count or sum of elapsed time from each event, it is possible to display the Pareto Line on the bars sorted by decreasing value.
For example, the image below displays the total time spent by the machine for each fault event type.
The Pareto Line allows the user of the DPS (e.g. technician, operations manager) to focus on the events that generated the most downtime.
In this case, the first two event types allocate 79% of the total failure time.
So it will be sufficient to try to solve these two problems to increase the machine's uptime, even noticeably (80-20 rule).
The other events, those after 79% are currently less important.
To configure the Pareto Line, you must:
In the Statistics, select the option Sorting as descending.
On the Bar Chart enable the option Show Pareto Line.
Template Syntax
Below you can find some examples of how to use the component within a template.
<bar-chart-widget-v2 title="Alert Count">
<statistic resource="alert" aggregation="COUNT" groupBy="MONTH"></statistic>
Component Reference
Here is a comprehensive list of all the elements and properties that can be used to configure the component.
Bar Chart <bar-chart-widget-v2>
Show Pareto Line | Compute the cumulative total and display it through a line overlaid on the columns. Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: false
Title | The title displayed on the top part of the widget box. Type: STRING | Optional
Controls | |
Enabled Periods | The list of periods which can be selected from the embedded period filter. Type: ENUM (multiple) | Optional Values: TODAY, YESTERDAY, LAST_1_HOUR, LAST_6_HOURS, LAST_12_HOURS, LAST_24_HOURS, LAST_7_DAYS, LAST_30_DAYS, THIS_MONTH, LAST_MONTH, LAST_6_MONTHS, LAST_12_MONTHS, THIS_WEEK, LAST_WEEK, LAST_FULL_7_DAYS, LAST_FULL_30_DAYS, LAST_FULL_12_MONTHS, CUSTOM
Export Enabled | The boolean flag indicating whether the data export is enabled. Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: true
Period Filter Enabled | The boolean flag indicating whether the embedded period filter is available. Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: true
Data | |
Default Loading Period | The default date and time filtering period applied when entering the page. Type: ENUM | Optional Values: TODAY, YESTERDAY, LAST_1_HOUR, LAST_6_HOURS, LAST_12_HOURS, LAST_24_HOURS, LAST_7_DAYS, LAST_30_DAYS, THIS_MONTH, LAST_MONTH, LAST_6_MONTHS, LAST_12_MONTHS, THIS_WEEK, LAST_WEEK, LAST_FULL_7_DAYS, LAST_FULL_30_DAYS, LAST_FULL_12_MONTHS Default Value: LAST_30_DAYS
Period Variable | The id of the page's variable providing the date range filtering period, for instance the id of a <period-filter-field>. Type: STRING | Optional
Query Variable | The id of the page's <things-filter-field> used for searching. Type: STRING | Optional
Labels | |
Empty Message | The blank message to be displayed in the widget in case no item was found. To manage translations, you can define a label and use the key as the value of the property. Type: STRING | Optional
Show Category Labels | Show category under each single bar. Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: true
X-Axis Label | The label to be displayed under the X-axis. Type: STRING | Optional
Y-Axis Label | The label to be displayed on the left of the Y-axis. Type: STRING | Optional
Advanced | |
Mode | The mode used to display the chart. Type: ENUM | Optional Values: WIDE, MICRO Default Value: WIDE
Show Bars Horizontally | The flag indicating whether to display the bars horizontally. Type: BOOLEAN | Optional Default Value: false
Rendering | |
CSS Class | The name(s) of the CSS class used to customize the widget layout. Type: STRING | Optional
Height | The height of the widget (e.g. 250px). Type: STRING | Optional
Width | The width of the widget (e.g. 500px). Type: STRING | Optional
Sub Elements | |
The statistic whose values must be rendered as chart columns. | |
The metric whose values must be aggregated and rendered as chart columns. | |
The aggregated value to be displayed over the Bar Chart. |
Statistic <statistic>
Aggregation | The function used to aggregate data. Type: ENUM | Optional Values: AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM
Alert Status | Define whether to include alerts that are still active, or have been activated in a period. Type: ENUM | Optional Values: ACTIVE, ACTIVATED
Averaged By | The count used to average the statistic results (e.g. Average alert count by thing). Type: ENUM | Optional Values: thingCount
| The order used to display categories by value in the chart. Type: ENUM | Optional Values: ASC, DESC
Color | The color used to render columns. Type: STRING | Optional
Group By | The property used to group results. For instance: customer.country. In the case where the underlying objects are temporally distributed you can also aggregate by HOUR, DAY, MONTH and YEAR. Type: GROUP_BY | Optional
Label | The alternative label displayed by the widget. Type: STRING | Optional
Property | The object property whose values must be aggregated. Type: PROPERTY | Optional
Resource | The resource from which to retrieve the items to be used to calculate the statistic. Type: ENUM | Required Values: ACTION, ALERT, CUSTOMER, LOCATION, PARTNER, THING, USER, WORK_SESSION Default Value:
Sorting | The sort direction used to order categories by value (default none). Type: ENUM | Optional Values: ASC, DESC
Unit | The unit of measurement to be displayed along the value. Type: STRING | Optional
Value Filter | The name of the filter used to transform and display values. Type: FILTER | Optional
Data | |
Max Result Count | The number of maximum returned results (default all results are returned). Type: INTEGER | Optional
Query | The array of conditions filtering out items. For instance: [query]='[{'property': 'connectionStatus', 'predicate': 'eq', 'value': '1'}]' Predicates: eq, beginsWith, like, notLike, isEmpty, isNotEmpty, gt, gte, lt, lte. Type: QUERY | Optional Predicates: beginsWith, eq, neq, gt, gte, isEmpty, isNotEmpty, lt, lte, like, notLike
Metric <metric>
Aggregation | The aggregation applied on the metric values. Type: ENUM | Optional Values: AVG, DELTA, MAX, MIN, SUM Default Value: AVG
Category Order | The order used to display categories by value in the chart. Type: ENUM | Optional Values: ASC, DESC
Color | The color used to render columns. Type: STRING | Optional
Group By | The group by applied on the metric values. Type: ENUM | Optional Values: DAY_OF_MONTH, HOUR_OF_DAY Default Value: DAY_OF_MONTH
Label | The alternative label displayed by the widget. Type: STRING | Optional
Name | The metric whose value(s) must be loaded by the widget. Type: METRIC | Required
Unit | The unit of measurement to be displayed along the value. Type: STRING | Optional
Value Filter | The name of the filter used to transform and display values. Type: FILTER | Optional
Aggregated Value <property>
Aggregation | The aggregation type. Type: ENUM | Optional Values: AVG, MAX, MIN, SUM Default Value: SUM
Filter | The name of the filter used to transform and display values. Type: FILTER | Optional
Label | The label displayed for the aggregated value. Type: STRING | Optional
Unit | The unit of measurement to be displayed along the value. Type: STRING | Optional