Time Series Chart

This widget loads metric data for a period of time and displays points through lines, columns, or step charts.

Time Series Chart

RAW Data Downsampling

As the pixels on the screen are limited, a common approach to display thousants of data points is to overlap or aggregate (e.g. AVG by HOURS) them, which may lead to a loss of information (e.g. spikes are flattened).
In addition, many points may cause browser slowdowns or even to the page being blocked. In case the number of datapoints to be displayed os greter than a threshold (default is 2000), the Time Series uses the LTTB (Largest Triangle Three Buckets) data visualization technique designed to efficiently represent large datasets over time by reducing the number of data points while preserving the overall trends and shapes of the data.
For each bucket the LTTB algorithm extracts the most significative data point while preserving real timestamps.

The algorithm is automatically applied to all metrics loaded without a specific aggregation, and in all cases that the number of retrieved data points is greater than a threshold.
In case there are more displayed metrics, the max datapoint count threshold is divided by the number of metrics (e.g. 5 metrics → 2000/5 = 400 data points per metric).
When the graph is zoomed in or the scroller is moved or resiszed, the selected area is automatically expanded to display more data points, preserving memory and browser performance.

Data Retrieval and Aggregation

You can specify the aggregation function to be used on all loaded metrics, you can select among MIN, MAX, AVG, or DELTA.
Optionally you can redefine on each metric a different aggregation. If unspecified on both levels, the default one is RAW (no aggregation).

Returns the minimum value computed in each time frame. If within the timeframe there are no values stored in the database, also the minimum is null.

Returns the maximum value computed in each time frame. If within the timeframe there are no values stored in the database, also the maximum is null.

Returns the average value computed in each time frame. If within the timeframe there are no values stored in the database, also the average is null.

Returns the value variation computed in each time frame, considering the last value of the time frame and the last value of the previous time frame. If within the timeframe there are no values stored in the database, the resulting DELTA is zero.

By using the DELTA aggregation you can display the variation of metric in each time frame, for instance, the following chart loads twice the same metric (es. Energy), one using the DELTA aggregation and one using the MAX aggregation. So the first sub-chart displays the daily consumption, instead the second one displays the total consumption.


Aggregation Timeframes

Other than the aggregation function, there is also the timeframe defining the time aggregation unit (e.g. 1 Hour, 12 Hours, 1 Day, 1 Month).

For each aggregation function, you can use one of the following timeframes:

  • AUTO


  • MINUTES_10

  • MINUTES_30

  • HOURS_1

  • HOURS_6

  • HOURS_12

  • DAYS_1

  • MONTHS_1

  • YEARS_1

The default applied timeframe is AUTO, which means the widget requests data from the backend with aggregation based on a dynamic time frame (e.g., 1H, 6H, 12H, 1D...) depending on the requested period.
According to the timeframe, the requested period is divided into a maximum of 100 intervals and the aggregated value is calculated for each of them.
If there are more than 100 intervals, the timeframe is automatically increased until the result interval count is less or equals than 100.
For instance if you request a month of data aggregated by HOURS_1, the result will be resampled to HOURS_12, this means you will get 60 values for 30 days.


Once the data has been loaded, to keep browser performance smooth, the widget displays a maximum of 2000 graphic points (Max Displayed Data Points).
If you reduce the scroll bar or select an area of the graph, more data points may appear, and this depends on the Max Displayed Data Points limit (default 2000).
In this case, two icons appear on the right, the first allows you to reset the zoom level, while the second button reloads the data from the backend, focusing on the selected time window.


Optionally you can enable the Timeframe and Aggregation selectors to change the aggregation and reload the data preserving the selected period.


The aggregation selected through the Aggregation selector affects only the metrics without an explicitly configured aggregation. For instance, a metric may always use AVG_DAYS_1.

Axis Management

For each metric, you can define the Y-axis title and whether to use the LEFT or RIGHT one.

For example, you can have a left and a right Y-axis with different scales.


Alternatively, you can select the Stacked Charts option; this will cause the widget to display one sub-chart for each metric. Metrics with the same Y-axis title are grouped together on the same sub-chart.


Chart Types

Each metric can be displayed with a different chart type, by choosing among:

  • Line: data points are directly interconnected through a line.

  • Column: for each data point a column is displayed.

  • Step: compared to the Line, which connects data points with direct lines creating an appearance of gradual change in data points, it sharply visualizes the changes between data points through steps.


Multiple Things Charting

The Time Series Chart can be placed also within the Location or Custom details, and display the metric of the location or of the underlying things, by displaying one series per thing.

On each metric, you can also specify whether the series must be stacked in order to see the totals among multiple metrics. For instance, suppose to have a metric providing the number of pieces produced every hour, you can stack the columns as follow.


The alternative to displaying the same metric for each thing, you can also choose the Collapsed rendering, which will show a single chart, whose values are given by the Value Grouping function (SUM, MAX, AVG) applied to the values between multiple things with the same timestamp.

Constant Lines

A constant line is a line marker that extends over the chart at a fixed Y value, giving the user information about which is, for instance, the minimum/maximum or median value.

Metric Min / Max

Yuo can display the minum and maximum value of a metric by enabling the Show Min Value Line or the Show Max Value Line options on a single metric element.

Chart Line

Alternatively, if you need to display a constant line on the graph independently of metrics, you can add a Chart Line element and configure whether the value should be read from a property accessible from the context of the thing or whether it is a static value.

You can also specify the label to be displayed on the line and the color.


Along the data points of displayed metrics, you can show also the events occurred in the same time period.

In the Events section of the property panel, you can define a query on the events to be loaded (e.g. Event Severity = FAILURE).  

For each found event, a marker is displayed under the x-axis, and by clicking on the marker, a tooltip displays the event details and the chart area corresponding to the event duration is highlighted according to the event severity.    

Work Sessions

Along the data points of displayed metrics, you can show also the work sessions runned in the same time period.

In the Events section of the property panel, you can define a query on the work sessions to be loaded.

For each found work session, a marker is displayed under the x-axis, and by clicking on the marker, a tooltip displays the work session details and the chart area corresponding to the work session duration is highlighted in green.  

Offline highlighting  

In case the thing was offline during the selected period, dashed areas are displayed to inform the user that the product was offline and therefore data is missing or unreliable.  

This feature can be enabled or disabled by using the Show Offline Periods option.
If the series uses bullets, in the offline area the bullets are displayed without the line and background, otherwise a dotted line is displayed.  


  • The load of metric data over multiple things works on a maximum of 500 things.

  • When using the aggregation (e.g. AVG_AUTO, AVG_HOURS_1), the chart loads a maximum of 100 data points per metric.

Template Syntax

Below you can find some examples of how to use the component within a template.

Example 1

Time-series-chart displaying three metrics grouped into different sub-charts (Temperatures and Power).

<time-series-chart-widget class="flex-fill"
	                      [config]="{exportEnabled: true, filterEnabled: true, scrollbarEnabled: true, aggregationType: 'AVG', defaultPeriod: 'LAST_7_DAYS', legendPosition: 'center', stacked: true}">
       <metric name="Temperature" filter="singleDecimalFormat" [chartOptions]="{yAxisTitle: 'Temperatures'}"></metric> 
       <metric name="TempSetpoint" [chartOptions]="{yAxisTitle: 'Temperatures'}"></metric> 
       <metric name="Power" filter="integerFormat" [chartOptions]="{yAxisTitle: 'Power', yAxisPosition: 'STACKED'}"></metric>

Example 2

Time-series-chart into a location dashboard that displays a temperature chart for each underlying thing having such a metric.

<time-series-chart-widget class="flex-fill"
		                      [config]="{exportEnabled: true, filterEnabled: true, scrollbarEnabled: true, aggregationType: 'AVG', defaultPeriod: 'LAST_7_DAYS', legendPosition: 'center'}">
     <metric name="thing.Temperature" filter="singleDecimalFormat"></metric>

Component Reference

Here is a comprehensive list of all the elements and properties that can be used to configure the component.

Time Series Chart <time-series-chart-widget>


Aggregation Selector Enabled

If enabled, the user can select the aggregation function between RAW, MIN, MAX, AVG (default), and DELTA.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[config]="{aggregationsEnabled: true}"

Collapse / Expand

The flag indicating whether the widget is collaspible.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:




CSS Class

The name(s) of the CSS class used to customize the widget layout.
Type: STRING | Optional

Default Aggregation

The default aggregation used to all metrics.
Type: ENUM | Optional | Values:


[config]="{aggregationType: 'AVG'}"

Default Loading Period

The default date and time filtering period applied when entering the page.
Type: ENUM | Optional | Values:


















[config]="{defaultPeriod: 'LAST_7_DAYS'}"

Enabled Periods

The list of periods which can be selected from the embedded period filter.
Type: ENUM_ARRAY | Optional | Values:



















[config]="{enabledPeriods: ['V1', 'V2', 'VN']}"

Export Enabled

The boolean flag indicating whether the data export is enabled.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[config]="{exportEnabled: true}"

Grid Background Color

The color used as grid background, default white.
Type: STRING | Optional
[config]="{bgColor: 'fooBar'}"


The height of the widget (e.g. 250px).
Type: STRING | Optional
[config]="{height: '250px'}"

Label Provider

The filter providing labels for the chart metrics.
Type: FILTER | Optional
[config]="{labelProvider: 'FILTER'}"

Legend Marker

The marker displayed for each element in the legend.
CIRCLE: displays a colored circle.
SQUARE: displays a colored square.
Type: ENUM | Optional | Values:



[config]="{legendMarker: 'SQUARE'}"

Legend Position

The position of the legend in the chart.
Type: ENUM | Optional | Values:





[config]="{legendPosition: 'right'}"

Max Group Data Points

Indicates the maximum number of data points to be displayed for the selected date range, after which the widget starts grouping data points by using the Value Grouping function specified on the metric.
Type: INTEGER | Optional
[config]="{groupCount: 123}"

[DEPRECATED] Max Displayed Data Points.

Max Displayed Data Points

The maximum number of data points the widget can display among all metrics (a higher value affects browser performance).
Type: INTEGER | Optional | Default: 2000
[config]="{maxDatapointCount: 123}"

Period Filter Enabled

The boolean flag indicating whether the embedded period filter is available.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[config]="{filterEnabled: true}"

Period Variable

The id of the page's variable providing the date range filtering period, for instance the id of a <period-filter-field>.
Type: STRING | Optional
[inputs]="{period: 'period'}"

Events Query

The array of conditions filtering out events.

For instance: [config]="{eventQuery:[{'property': 'connectionStatus', 'predicate': 'eq', 'value': '1'}]”

Predicates: eq, neq, beginsWith, like, notLike, isEmpty, isNotEmpty, gt, gte, lt, lte.

Type: QUERY | Optional

Work Session Query

The array of conditions filtering out work sessions.

For instance: [config]="{eventQuery:[{'property': 'connectionStatus', 'predicate': 'eq', 'value': '1'}]”

Predicates: eq, neq, beginsWith, like, notLike, isEmpty, isNotEmpty, gt, gte, lt, lte.

Type: QUERY | Optional

Query Variable

The id of the page's <things-filter-field> used for searching.
Type: STRING | Optional
[inputs]="{query: 'query-1'}"

Scrollbar Enabled

The flag enabling the widget top scrollbar allowing the user to scroll and zoom data.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[config]="{scrollbarEnabled: true}"

Show Offline Periods

Displays on the chart when the thing was offline.

Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[config]="{offlineEnabled: true}"

Show Events

Flag indicating whether to enable events on the chart.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[config]="{showEventsOnChart: false}"

Show Work Sessions

Flag indicating whether to enable work sessions on the chart.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[config]="{showEventsOnChart: false}"

Stacked Charts

The flag enabling stacked charts grouping metrics having the same Y-Axis Title.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[config]="{stacked: true}"

The file type to export.

The type of the file to generate when exporting data.
Type: ENUM | Optional | Values:



[config]="{exportFileType: 'xlsx'}"

Timeframe Selector Enabled

If enabled, the user can select the aggregation timeframe between 1 HOUR, 1 DAY, 1 MONTH.
If not enabled, the timeframe is automatic according to the selected period.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[config]="{timeframesEnabled: true}"


The title displayed on the top part of the widget box.
Type: STRING | Optional

Tooltip Date Format

String indicating the date format of the tooltip that appears when moving over the chart.
Type: STRING | Optional
[config]="{tooltipDateFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd'}"

Tooltip Enabled

Flag indicating whether to enable the tooltip that appears when moving over the chart.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[config]="{tooltipEnabled: false}"

Y-Axis Trimmed

Flag indicating whether the Y-axis should be trimmed according to the minimum and maximum value of the loaded data.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[config]="{yAxisTrimmed: true}"

End Date Variable

The <period-field>'s End Variable filtering data by end date.
Type: STRING | Optional
[inputs]="{endDate: 'toDate'}"

[DEPRECATED] Use the Period Variable property.

Start Date Variable

The <period-field>'s Start Variable filtering data by start date.
Type: STRING | Optional
[inputs]="{startDate: 'fromDate'}"

[DEPRECATED] Use the Period Variable property instead.



The metric whose values must be displayed within the chart.
Multiple | Required

<metric name="Temperature"></metric>

Chart Line

The constant dashed line displayed on the graph data.
Multiple | Optional

<property label='Max Temp' name='thingDefinition.properties.maxTemp'></property>

Metric <metric>


Bullet Size

The bullet size in pixels.
Type: INTEGER | Optional | Default: 2
[chartOptions]="{bulletSize: 123}"

Bullet Type

Define the type of the bullets displayes along the line.
Type: ENUM | Optional | Values:







[chartOptions]="{bulletType: 'square'}"

Chart Type

Defines how to display the metric values, wheter to use columns, lines or step lines.
Type: ENUM | Optional | Values:




[chartOptions]="{chartType: 'column'}"


The color used to render the chart for this metric.
Type: STRING | Optional
[chartOptions]="{color: 'fooBar'}"

Column Width Percentage

The percentage of horizontal space occupied by each bar in case of column chart type.
Type: INTEGER | Optional | Default: 90
[chartOptions]="{columnWidth: 50}"


The line dashing style (e.g. '5' or '5,3').
Type: STRING | Optional
[chartOptions]="{dashing: '5,5'}"

Fill Opacity

The opacity (0 to 1) used to fill the chart area below the line or inside the columns.
Type: INTEGER | Optional
[chartOptions]="{fillOpacity: 123}"


The name of the filter used to transform and display values.
Type: FILTER | Multiple value | Optional

Format Big Numbers

If true, big numbers are displayed using suffixes (e.g 1K, 1M, 1B).
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[chartOptions]="{formatBigNumbers: true}"

Initially Turned Off

The flag to turn off the metric when the graph is opened. If selected, the metric data is not loaded until you click on the metric in the legend.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[chartOptions]="{hidden: true}"


The metric alternative label.
Type: STRING | Optional

Line Width

The width in pixel of the line.
Type: INTEGER | Optional | Default: 1
[chartOptions]="{lineWidth: 123}"

Move Point Enabled

The flag enabling point vertical dragging to change the value.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[chartOptions]="{movePointEnabled: true}"


The metric whose value(s) must be loaded by the widget.
Type: METRIC | Required


The way the series is displayed in the graph.

OVERLAID: all graphs are displayed in the same vertical space; column charts are displayed by grouping columns of different series, allowing them to be compared at the same date.

STACKED: all graphs are arranged vertically, one on top of the other. It is useful for displaying total values.

COLLAPSED: can be used only for child things, to display a single metric instead of one metric per thing. The values of the collapsed metrics are calculated using the Grouping Values function.

Type: ENUM | Optional | Values:




[chartOptions]="{rendering: 'STACKED'}"

Show Boundary Datapoints

The flag to include values before and after the selected period in the chart. This option is valid only for Line and Step charts.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[chartOptions]="{showBoundaryDatapoints: true}"

Show Max Value Line

The flag to turn on the red dashed line associated to the metric maximum value. The maximum value is the metric default minimum value if defined, else is computed among the loaded data.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[chartOptions]="{showMaxLine: true}"

Show Min Value Line

The flag to turn on the blue dashed line associated to the metric minimum value. The minimum value is the metric default minimum value if defined, else is computed among the loaded data.
Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values:



[chartOptions]="{showMinLine: true}"


The unit of measurement to be displayed along the value.
Type: STRING | Optional

Value Grouping

The function to be applied to group values into the same timeframe in case of collapsed rendering.
Type: ENUM | Optional | Values:




[chartOptions]="{valueGrouping: 'SUM'}"

Visibility Condition

The expression that allows you to reduce the visibility of the element.
Type: STRING | Optional
*ngIf="getUser().organizationId != null"

Y-Axis Max

The value to be used as maximum value in the Y-Axis scale.
Type: INTEGER | Optional
[chartOptions]="{yAxisMax: 100}"

Y-Axis Min

The value to be used as minimum value in the Y-Axis scale.
Type: INTEGER | Optional
[chartOptions]="{yAxisMin: 0}"

Y-Axis Position

The position of the y-axis associated with the metric; within the same chart there can be a maximum of two y-axes, one on the left and one on the right. It is not possible to use subcharts and with Stacked Charts enabled.
Type: ENUM | Optional | Values:



[chartOptions]="{yAxisPosition: 'RIGHT'}"

Y-Axis Title

The title displayed aside the Y-axis, when Y-Axis position is STACKED, similar metrics are grouped into sub charts (e.g. Temperatures, Power).
Type: STRING | Optional
[chartOptions]="{yAxisTitle: 'Temperatures'}"

Chart Line <property>



The color used to render the line in the chart.
Type: STRING | Optional | Default: #3448DF
[config]="{color: 'fooBar'}"


The label displayed at above the line in the graph.
Type: STRING | Optional


The default Y value of the line.
Type: INTEGER | Optional
[config]="{value: 123}"

Value Property

The property used to retrieve the constant Y value of the line.
Type: PROPERTY | Required

Y-Axis Title

In case of multiple Y-axis, you must specify the title of Y-axis where to display this line.
Type: STRING | Optional
[config]="{yAxisTitle: 'Temperatures'}"