Servitly comes with its predefined page structure and navigation menus, but it is also a white label solution, and this means that it is possible to configure images, fonts, and colors according to the manufacturer's visual identity.
The responsive user interface allows users to navigate the application by all browsers and mobile devices.
Page Structure
The following image describes the default login page users visit when accessing the application.
Login form: the login form to access the application.
Logo: the manufacturer or application logo.
Footer: it shows some Manufacturer helpful information like contacts and websites.
Background: the background image.
Once the user has logged in, it can access the various pages and configured services, according to the configured UI Profile associated with its user type.
Left menu: it allows fast accessing of the application pages. Some items can have a set of beacons aligned on the right showing some helpful information like (e.g. Active Alert count). The predefined menu items are Overview, Partners, Customers, Equipment, Alerts, Work Sessions, Administration.
Top bar: it shows the name of the application (e.g. BAKE365) and allows accessing the user menu.
Page content: updated according to the navigated page.
Breadcrumb: it shows the current navigation path within the application and allows jumping to one of the parent levels by clicking on it.
Logo: the manufacturer logo (see Visual Identity).
User menu: it shows the currently logged-in user and allows accessing the user menu items (Profile, Account, Subscriptions, Privacy and Terms) and performing Logout.
Sidebar menu
The sidebar menu allows entering the different views made available according to the logged-in user's UI Profile.
By clicking on the three lines icon within the top bar, the left menu can be collapsed or expanded as desired.
For more details about how to configure the sidebar menu and pages, refer to the Views article.