User Creation

User creation can be managed in two ways:

  • Users creation by back-office: a back-office administrator creates a new user.

  • Self-registration: the user performs self-registration from the login page.

In both cases, the user access password is always prompted by the user himself.

All the passwords configured by the users are validated and securely stored, for more details refer to the DPS Security article under the Passwords paragraph.

Users creation by back-office

According to the user rights, administration users can manage other users by entering the editing pages of the business entity (Organization, Partner, Customer, Location).
Organization and Partner back-office users, can access the Organization page and then Users, where they can edit existing users and also create new ones.
In the alternative the Users tab is also present in the editing page of a specific customer or partner.

Instead, administrator users belonging to a customer (e.g. Homeowner, IT manager), can manage its account's users by entering the Account page from the top-right drop-down menu.

By clicking the Add user button, a new user creation process is started.

Optionally, the page may ask to provide other contact information (e.g. mobile number), but this depends on how the user properties have been defined.

Once the Save button is pressed, the user receives an activation email with a link to follow, allowing them to verify and activate their accounts. This step ensures that only valid users gain access.

Hello Edgar Busch,

Welcome to the Hubner Comfort365 service, a new account has been prepared for you.

Click on the link below to complete the registration:

Hubner Team

By clicking on the email URL, the new user can complete its registration by configuring its private password.

The URL has a validity limited to 30 days. Once expired, the activation e-mail must be sent again.

In case the registered user has lost the registration email, or the registration URL has expired, the registration email can be resent.
It is enough to enter the user editing page, then select the Activity tab and finally click the button on the right of the Account creation email sending date field.

Self Registration

If enabled on the DPS, within the Login page the user can start the self-registration procedure.
By clicking on the Create new account link the application will ask for an email address used to verify the user's identity before continuing the registration process.

Once the address has been entered, the following email with a temporary registration link (60 minutes duration) is sent to the user.

Hello Edgar Busch,

You recently requested to create a new Comfort365 account.

Click the link below to complete the account registration:

If you did not request an account creation, please ignore this email. 
This request is only valid for the next 60 minutes.

Hubner Team

By navigating the registration link, the user will access the account registration page, where it can provide all the required information:

  • Company main information for business accounts.

  • User main information.

  • Access password.

  • Acceptance of Terms of Service and Privacy Policy agreements.

When completed, a new Customer is created, and the provided email address is used to create the owner user who will be able to manage the customer account.

You can enable the Self Registration within the User Onboarding console page.

Permissions and Authorizations

When a user is created, it is automatically associated with a User Type which defines the set of permissions.
Moreover, the objects a user can access depend on the user context in terms of the parent business unit (Organization, Partner, Customer, Location), for more details refer to Business Entities.

Optionally, a customer user can be associated with user-to-thing authorizations giving access to a thing for a limited period and with specific permissions. This is done in the Account page.