Here you will find all the functionalities available to users in the DPS, enabling them to access the DPS and manage personal data in compliance with the GDPR.
All users accessing the DPS must accept the following agreements:
Cookie Policy
Privacy Policy
Terms of Service
The cookie policy is predefined, as cookies cannot be customized.
In order to comply with the GDPR, the definition of other agreements is the responsibility of the company (data controller) to which the DPS belongs.
Be sure that agreements are complete and available before moving your DPS to production.
The DPS automatically grants that all the users accept the latest version of these agreements.
When a user completes the account registration form, they must accept the agreements in order to complete the registration.
In case an agreement is amended, during the login, users will be informed with a popup where they can review the new agreement and accept it to keep using the service.
Privacy and Terms agreements accepted by the users are always visible by navigating the Privacy and Terms page under the user profile menu.
A back-office user, by entering the edit page of another user can check the date/time the user accepted the agreements.
Rights for Individuals
Through the DPS interface, any registered user can:
Change personal data at any time;
Be notified in case a personal data is updated by another user.
Request the download of personal data in a portable format.
In the alternative, a request can be issued to the Data Controller contact endpoint as stated in the Privacy Policy agreement.Delete the profile at any time, and delete all personal data accordingly;