Within the Appearance / CSS page, you can edit the CSS loaded by the Web and Mobile application.

Here is the place where you can configure the visual identity of your company.

How to edit the CSS

Here is described how to edit the CSS of your DPS application.

  1. Enter the CSS editing page.

    Within the Environment configuration area, navigate Appearance and then the CSS page.


  2. Edit the CSS

    Within this page, you can modify the CSS used by the Web and Mobile application by adding your custom rules. In this way, it is possible to provide users with the best experience according to the visual identity of your company.


    The CSS editor helps you in defining a correct set of CSS rules. In case of errors, a warning icon is displayed on the left of the row where the error is present.

  3. Save CSS

    When your CSS is ready, you can click on the SAVE button to apply changes.


  4. Test your changes

    To see your changes, it is enough to refresh the DPS application within your browser.

CSS editing best practices

  • Before start editing the CSS, you can test your rules by using the browser debug tools or your SANDBOX environment, if available.

  • Do not define rules specific for each element, but try to define rules that match all the elements of the same category (e.g. buttons, fields, labels).