Thing Data Mirroring

This type of Virtual Thing mirrors data published on a thing to another thing, also cross environment (e.g. from Production to Staging).

Note that the communication is one-way, so any update on the Target Thing does not propagate to the Source Thing.

Thing Data Mirroring Configuration

Once a Virtual Thing has been created, and the Thing Data Mirroring has been selected, you can configure the information required for data mirroring.

A Virtual Thing based on data-mirroring is described by:

  • Name: the name uniquely identifying the virtual thing in the console.

  • Description: the text providing information about the purpose of the virtual thing.

  • Target Thing: the thing in the current DPS where the data must be published.

  • Source Thing: the thing from which the data is to be mirrored.

The source thing can also belong to a different environment than the current one.

In the case where the source Thing Definition is different from the target Thing Definition, a warning advises that not all data may be republished correctly, due to differences in metrics definition.


  • For each environment you can have at maximum of 10 Virtual Things running in parallel.

  • The target thing is subject to the publishing rate limit of the parent environment.

  • The remote control is not supported; data flow is one-way (source to target thing).

  • Only RAW data are mirrored on the target Thing, while computed data (e.g. Computed Metrics, Insights) and events begin their processing and history from the start of the Virtual Thing.

  • Remote updates (e.g. commands and parameters) cannot be sent to the target Thing that has no real physical counterpart.