Each Location registered in the DPS comes with a set of predefined properties, and in addition you can define custom properties specific for your application domain.
Location's custom properties can be used, for example, to:
group/sort/search locations;
manage additional information, like address, city, zip-code;
manage technical information/settings, like installation information (e.g. photos, descriptions) or used by the underlying things during running phases and dashboard presentation.
For more details about how to use and display Location properties within the pages, refer to the Referencing Properties article.
Configuring location properties
By entering the Properties / Location page, you can manage the Location properties.
Here, you can define properties available to all Locations. The below list, displays the default properties and the additional properties for all locations.
Location predefined properties:
Name | The friendly name of the location. | name |
Country | The country (e.g. Italy) in which the location is located. | country |
Timezone | The timezone (e.g. CEST) associated with the location. | timezone |
GPS Position | The GPS coordinates in the format <latitude>,<longitude>. | gpsPosition |
These properties cannot be deleted, because mandatory for the correct functioning of the DPS application, but you can modify the Label and according to the property also some constraints.
The name of a location can be automatically computed from a mask based on placeholders.
By selecting "Derived value", you can specify a mask which is kept updated according to the presence of placeholders. Within the placeholders, you can use any location property, and also any customer property.
${properties.address}, ${properties.city}, ${customer.country}
For more details about how to define placeholder, see the Referencing Properties article.
In case the name is derived, within the editing page of a location, the name cannot be changed.
Creating a new location property
To add a new location property, you should:
Press the Add Property button.
Provide the required information.
Press the Save button.
Editing location properties
From the property list, if you click on a property, you will enter the property editing page.
The location property editing page is subdivided into the following sections.
Note, that depending on the selected property, the editing page may be different.
Label: the label displayed within the pages (e.g. Foo Bar).
Name: the property simple name used to reference it within templates and APIs (e.g. properties.fooBar)
Description: the description that is displayed under the properties within the editing pages.
Type: the property value type, one of Address, Boolean, City, Contacts, Date, Double, Email, File, Float, Integer, Long, Phone Number, State, Street Number, String, Zip Code.
For more details about types, refer to the Property Types article.Unit: the unit displayed along with the property value (e.g. Kg). It is available only for numeric properties.
Default value: the property default value assigned to a newly created object.
Data Type: in case of numeric values, you can define whether the property values are DISCRETE or CONTINUOUS, and then you can also define Dictionary and Thresholds.
Group: the key used to group properties within editing dialogs.
Order: the order used to sort properties within editing dialogs.
Searchable: the property can be used within the advanced search panel.
Selection: the selection mode (radio, select, switch) for multiple values.
Values: the set of value and label pairs in case of selection.
Unique: it is not possible to have two objects with the same property value. If you try to create a new object or update an existing one, using the value already saved in another object, the backend will report an error.
Mandatory: the property cannot be left blank. When creating a new object or updating an existing object, if the value of the property is missing, the backend reports an error.
Limit write permissions depending on the user-type: you can limit the user-types can write the property value. If a user which is not authorized to the property, try to write it, the backend reports an error. Properties that are not writable by a user type are also not visible on the edit page of that object in the DPS application.
RegEx Validation: you can specify a regular expression (e.g. ([a-z])*)to validate STRING properties.
Optionally, you can also define the error message to inform the user in case of wrong values.Min: the minimum value used to validate numeric properties.
Max: the maximum value used to validate numeric properties.
Data Binding
Within the Data Binding section, you can configure whether the property value must be bound to a metric or statistic.
None: the value must be manually provided.
Statistic: the value is periodically updated according to a statistic.
For more details you can refer to the Data Binding article.
Notify users on property value update: users who have visibility to the location will be notified when the property is updated.