Component Development

Here you can find all the information to create reusable, visually appealing, and functional components.
Whether you're building a simple filter, a template, or a complex widget, this guide provides a clear roadmap.

Before creating a new component, you must clearly define which type of component do you need.
In some cases it is enough to define a filter to format data in a specific way into widgets, otherwise if you need a new UI/UX that is not configurable through built-in components, probably you need a new widget component.

  1. Creating a new component

    In the Components Manager create the new component and start editing it.

  2. Writing source code

    Write the source code according to the component type:

    1. Filter

    2. Widget or Control

    3. Template

  3. Styling with CSS

    Structuring your CSS and use CSS variables for theming.

  4. Debugging
    How to debug the source code and try it in a DPS.

  5. Publishing
    Make your component public to your production environment.