Establishing the IoT connection

Before starting with the actual configuration we suggest you to establish and implement the method by which the connected products communicate with the DPS system.

For this purpose Servitly offers these options:

  1. Direct connection via MQTT

  2. Direct connection via HTTP

  3. Cloud-to-Cloud integration with a market IoT platform

If you have to choose an IoT connector, you should also consider:

  • Will your connected products need to receive remote updates?

    If yes, we suggest you to use a connector based on MQTT.

  • Do your connected products have limited bandwidth or data traffic?

    If so, we recommend using an HTTP-based connector, which avoids using an always open channel such as MQTT.

If you do not have a ready-to-connect product, you can take advantage of the concept of Virtual Things, which allows you to publish data to the DPS without having a physical product.